Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rest and Relaxation

Yesterday was a very relaxing day. I figured out that the electricity at my site is fine. I just didn’t give the gizmo enough time to do its thing. Frankly, it’s a little slow at getting its job done, but it’s great to know a faulty electrical system will not get the opportunity to damage my Roadtrek.

I spent a lot of time on my blog in the morning, then I took a nice hot shower. I didn’t do the dishes yesterday, so… I have quite a few “dishes” to do today. Honestly, I don’t know where the time went, but it went and before I knew it, it was time to go visit my dad and Mickie. I said goodbye to Judy, who hadn’t left for Santa Fe yet, and headed for my dad’s house, via the post office.

Who knew that a post office with very few cars in the parking lot could take so long? I think I stood in line for an hour to send back something that I ordered by accident and get a few stamps.

I think I arrived at my dad’s house after one o’clock. He and Mickie were waiting for me. We headed for the Santa Ana Star Casino for a buffet lunch/dinner. It was a very tasty buffet. I had some very good Chinese food and then some very good Mexican food. They have a guy behind a glass display case cutting and serving the desserts. It’s a nice feature, but I think maybe it’s because that saves them a lot of money. Mickie and I weren’t shy. We asked for two desserts, one for lunch and one for dinner. No biggie!!!

Afterwards, we were stuffed, but my dad and I headed for the slot machines and gambled for a little while. I had a pretty good poker machine. I’m sure I would have played a lot longer, if I was on my own, but I decided to quit when I doubled my original $5. That’s unusual for me, both doubling my money and quitting while I still have it. Even though it’s a small casino, it took me quite a while to find my dad and Mickie. I don’t think my dad really wanted to quit, but he gave up the casinos for Lent and he didn’t have me as an excuse once I quit, so he had to stop.

We headed back to their house for a siesta. I hung out in the RT with Lacey, working on my blog. It was relaxing and the time flew by.

After a long while, Lacey and I went back in the house to visit before heading back to the RV park. My dad was working on someone’s resume in his office. Go figure!!! He’s a funny guy. Mickie and I watched two hours of Dancing with the Stars. That was entertaining. After a while, my dad emerged from his office and we visited a little longer before Lacey and I headed back to the park.

Lacey is funny with men, like my dad and my brothers. She’s very curious about them and sneaks up when they’re not looking. When they look up or move a little, she runs away barking her head off. I don’t know where she got the idea that we can‘t trust guys. Ha! Ha!

All the other dogs had to stay outside, so she felt pretty important. She demanded a lot of back scratching and Mickie accommodated her. Oh, well!!! She doesn’t see Grandma and Grandpa very often.

We got back to the park about 9:30. I worked on my blog and did nothing but damage to it. About ten o’clock, I remembered the tri-tip from the night before and fixed myself a sandwich. Lacey was very comfy on my bed. She didn’t even get up to check out the sandwich. She was very angry with me when I picked her up to put her in her crate. You don’t want to pick Lacey up when she’s angry. Believe me! She doesn’t really care for the crate. It’s a little bit cramped, but it keeps her from wandering during the night and we both get better sleep, so that’s the way it goes.

Well, as I said, I have a lot to do today, so I better get with it. It’s almost 8:30 a.m. I’m not looking forward to the drive to Tucumcari. I imagine it will be boring, but it has to be done. I think we’ll be in Palo Duro State Park on Thursday. My dad said that’s one of my brother Grant’s favorite places, so I better ask him about it. Away I go…

Oh!!! Judy just called. Here glasses broke during her visit in Santa Fe. She’s looking for a way to get them fixed. Luckily, she has another pair that will suffice for a short while. We might not leave for Tucumcari today after all. Either way, it's fine with me.

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