Monday, March 28, 2011

Kingman to the Petrified Forest

Yesterday was a good day!

I got up early and got my rig squared away. Then, I took Lacey for a quick walk. I thought I was up before the others, but when I went in for my shower, Kit and Judy were in there making coffee. That was a pleasant surprise. After my shower, I found Kit in the kitchen cooking eggs, bacon and toast. What a treat!

After breakfast, Kit and Judy took Lacey for a nice long walk while I installed my ScanGuage. It’s a neat little gizmo that keeps track of your gasoline usage. You can see how slowing down improves your mileage.

It was hard to leave the comfort of Kit’s home, but we finally got on our way late in the morning. We stopped for gas, Judy equipped me with one of her walkie talkies and away we went.

Along the way, Judy spotted a sign for the Roadkill Café in Seligman, Arizona. It’s on Route 66. The food at the Roadkill Café was delicious! I had a hamburger and homemade potato salad. Yummy! The soda was served in a large mason jar. Luckily, I remembered to get a postcard for my mom and I mailed it at the post office across the street. That was convenient.

Some of the shop owners on Route 66 have really gone all out to decorate their places with vintage displays.

Soon, we set off for Flagstaff. Judy wanted to stop at a store with camping gear. We found it, but it was closed. That lunch may not have been a good idea. I was beginning to feel sleepy, but we stopped and got out, ate a little chocolate, and I was good to go.
We wanted to make it to the entrance to the Petrified Forest.

It started getting dark and we reconsidered, but we decided to go on to find the free dry camping place outside the entrance. I’m glad we did. It’s pleasant enough here. We’re near a bright light, but that turned out to be good for Lacey and I. It would have been a little creepy in the pitch black dark. We feel safe here and you can’t beat free!

Judy invited me over for some lentils. That was tasty! We discussed our plans for the next few days. I was tired, so Lacey got one last walk, then it was slumber time for both of us.

It’s early in the morning. The sun is up. I made myself some coffee. It’s time to get this day started. Lacey went back to bed. Lucky her! She doesn’t have any responsibilities. She can’t even type, so I have to do all the work around here.

We’ll be driving through the Petrified Forest today. It should be beautiful. We’re expected in Albuquerque by dinnertime. We’re hoping to get registered at our campground before dinner. I’ll let you know how it goes.

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